Friday, August 25, 2017

The Penetrating Power of the Light

The darkness of night slowly disappears as the sun quietly approaches the horizon. Even before its full brilliance comes into view its return is announced by a growing parade of  light. Each morning I watch, and meditate on the wonders of God’s abundant grace. The morning dawn is always on time even on a cloudy day. Although those gray clouds try to hide the sun’s presentation I know that it has arrived because the room is still filled with its filtered light.

How amazing it is on the cloudless days the light comes in making itself at home easing down the hallway, around the corner, and down the staircase providing light in places where it does not directly shine. It seems to visit every room with the message that a new day has begun, and it is time to rejoice. The warmth and beauty of its daily visits is not to be taken for granted. A gift from God for all of His creation!.

And so it is with His Son who is the light of our souls. Unlike the sun the light of Jesus never leaves, and never diminishes. He is the Light of the world that destroys the darkness of sin. He comes into a life filling every dark place. A new life of brilliant light is created shining through the cracks and scars of sins destruction. One by one by one throughout the world those dying in sin come to the light because the Son’s light is powerfully evident through those God has called.

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