Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Whole Picture


These two images are only a small portion of the whole. A few might quickly understand what they go with,  but they will never be able to tell exactly what they are until they see the whole. Others, like myself if I didn’t already know, could look at these images and never figure out what they are a part of. The only way to understand and appreciate something is to experience it in its whole. Maybe you have heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I hate to admit it but  that that is how I picked the books I wanted to read when I was in the fifth grade. Well not just the appearance of the book’s cover, but also the number of pages. Anyway, this saying means that one should not prejudge the worth of something by its outward appearance alone. One must read the whole book to more adequately understand it and judge it correctly.

When we don’t see the whole picture we make decisions that will lack the information necessary to make  wise decisions. There is a good chance we will make some serious mistakes. We want the surgeon who performs our surgery to understand the latest information about our problem. The same is true of the persons we call to fix our appliances, work on our car, or repair anything that is broken. We expect them  to understand exactly what needs to be done and to have the skill to do the job. There are many decisions, crucial decisions, that every person must make, and to make the wrong choice will  have eternal consequences. It seems to me that people today are looking for answers in places which do not provide the whole picture. The answer is not to be found within the humanistic ideology. The answer will certainly not be found in the pagan religions that are plaguing our nation today that have filtered into our cities and even our government. Materialism, sports, the film industry, and not even education will  shine any light on the whole picture. No the whole picture is only found in the Holy word of God Almighty. Only God our Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit will reveal the only truth about how to live in this wicked world, and how to be sure that eternal life awaits us. Jesus Christ is the light of this world and as we allow him to illuminate the darkness which is becoming darker every day we will see the whole picture clearly. As the light of Jesus shines on us and through us, we will see the truth which will overshadow the lies that are told every day to make what is good appear to be bad. Those who don't know Jesus, who never read the Bible, and who never pray except to maybe ask God to bless them or get them out of trouble will never know the truth and will never see the whole picture of God's love and his forgiveness manifested in his Son Jesus Christ. 

If Sherri and I only looked at one corner of our beautiful painting we would never enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. we would be very foolish if all we ever view was that small corner. my heart hurts for friends and acquaintances who have rejected Jesus and have allowed some of the things that I mentioned to become their passion, their life and their avenue of contention.They have left their first love for the follies of this world. They have chosen the foolish path and are not able to enjoy the beauty that is expressed in the complete, precious view of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Art of Striking Out

During his major league career Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs, but he struck out 1,330 times. Ruth is known as one of the greatest hitters of a...