Friday, December 15, 2017

I Miss Christmases Past

I miss several Christmas traditions from many years ago.

I miss riding around on Christmas Eve  with my parents while Santa brought our gifts and put them under the tree. We always drove to Russellville to look at the Christmas light. One of my parents alway forgot something and had to go back in the house to get it. They seemed to take such a very long time getting whatever they went after.

I miss going Christmas caroling with my church.

I miss getting to spend Christmas Eve with my brother and his family. We usually don’t get to see each other during Christmas.

I miss going to my mom’s on Christmas Eve. My dad died at age 54 when I was 23 and recently married. My brother, Mike was 19. My mother died at age 87, and she really never got over his death.
A couple of Christmas after daddy died mom started saying, “This may be my last Christmas.” Christmas was never the same for her after my dad passed away. Mike and I finally started teasing her when she said that. A few years before she died Mike told her, “Mom, when you do die we are going to put these words on your marker,’See, I told you this would be my last Christmas’!”

I miss getting to argue with Mike while we were opening our gift from mom about which gift was nicest or the best. We would say, “Mom always did like you best.” I can still hear my mother fussing at us telling us that she loved us both the same.

I miss the old vinyl Christmas albums. When I was a boy I would play those records over and over again. I especially loved O Holy Night, Little Drummer Boy, and Silent Night by Andy Williams. I probably drove my parents crazy with my singing. My room was up stairs, and I would sometimes sing in my operatic voice.

I miss not having both of my daughters and their families together at Christmas. I miss the days when our girls were small and getting to watch them get excited about Christmas. I miss them watching me make tuna fish salad while I demonstrated my technique using my Julia Child voice.

There are many things I miss from days gone by, but I still enjoy the days of Christmas. I know as I get older there will be more that I will come to miss. That’s just the way the cycle of life is. Who knows, this may be my last Christmas, anyway.


  1. Cheer up! There is no such thing as a last Christmas for those who have Jesus in their heart. You just change where you celebrate. Some day every day is Christmas!

  2. Great point Dawn. You are absolutely right.


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