Sunday, April 29, 2018

Did Jesus Laugh

Have you ever been around someone who is extremely serious ?  Maybe you've seen these people at a worship service. I've noticed the expressions of people in the congregation as they sing about their wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.  There are a lot of solemn faces, no smiles. If I didn't know better I would think I was at a funeral. I have known preachers whose countenance bears the resemblance of someone sucking on a green persimmon. Even some preachers are afraid to joke, loosen up and have a good time. Maybe they think others would question their holiness if they exhibited a bit of levity.  I guess the question here is, "Can a person laugh, joke and have fun and be a Christian?"  

What about God's son, our Savior, Jesus? Do you think he had fun? Did he ever joke around? Someone asked me once, “Does the Bible indicate that Jesus laughed? “ You know, I haven't been able to find in the Bible that Jesus laughed. I know the Bible says that Jesus wept. But did he laugh?  Although the Bible doesn't say he laughed I'm almost certain that he did. He was a part of some very joyous occasions where people were eating and drinking and dancing, such as at the wedding feast where he turned water into wine. I think Jesus went there to celebrate the wedding of some of his dear friends. I can't imagine him sitting in a corner with a frown on his face just because he was God's Son. There were many times Jesus was invited to dinners at the homes where no telling what kind of frivolity was going on. Many of these places were the homes of those whom the Pharisees called sinners. I doubt if these people changed their actions like a lot of people do when they have the preacher over to eat. I think some today would be surprised at where Jesus would be found today. I can see Jesus in an Irish pub on Saturday night having a good time playing darts and maybe even dancing an Irish jig. Jesus had a sense of humor. Of course Jesus laughed!  

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