Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 4th and Fireworks

In three days America will be celebrating her birthday, 242 years old, I believe. We are still a young nation compared to most nations of the world. 242 years of freedom is something to celebrate, don’t you think? We celebrate in a variety of ways: parades, picnics, barbeques, fish fries, dancing, singing, thanksgiving services, and of course fireworks. There are a lot of people who love a good fireworks display on Independence Day or one or two days before. I’ll have to admit that a well done fireworks presentation is a beautiful, moving tribute to our countries dedication to freedom. But there are firework demonstrations, for lack of a better word, which are completely idiotic nuisances and should be outlawed.

Last night on June 30 about the time I went to bed a fireworks show began just a few houses away. Pop, pop, boom, boom, boom, and that annoying whistling sound, over and over, one right after another. Celebrating our nation’s birthday? I think not! The desire to aggravate the neighbors? Yes! Being disrespectful? Of course! Childish and immature? Absolutely? I heard one final firecracker pop at 3:05 AM. This happens everywhere, every year. And it is just the beginning. It will probably happen again tonight to be repeated well into the week after July 4th.

I would say that parents should be held responsible for allowing their children to shoot off fireworks so late, but often the culprits are adults. They have their reasons for doing this sort of repulsive act,  but I can’t think of any reason for anyone to to be so rude to do such a moronic thing.

Maybe I’m overreacting. The truth is I hate fireworks. I’ve never cared much for them. When I was six years old I got a firecracker, my first one, lit it from the gas burner in the kitchen, and tried to run through the house to the door where I was going to toss it outside. I wasn’t fast enough. That dumb firecracker went off in my hand! And dogs don’t like fireworks either. I say ban firework!

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