Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A List for Everything

We have, over the days of our lives, created untold numbers of lists: to do lists, Christmas lists, grocery lists, guest lists, things I don’t want to forget lists (then as we get older we forget where we put that list), a bucket list, and many others. Some lists are very  important. Even Santa has lists: He’s making his list and checking it twice. Those who are naughty know about Santa’s lists. Lists remind us of important things which will need attention sometime down the road. They help us plan for upcoming events. They keep us on track. Lists prevent us from being embarrassed because we failed to tend to a personal responsibility. If we accurately follow  our lists we will be deemed dependable persons, people who others can count on, or perhaps viewed as smarter than we really are.

The most essential lists that a person can make are those which have to do with our walk with God. I’m not talking about lists like we made for Santa when we were children asking for things we wanted. God is not Santa Claus and his purpose for us is not to give us everything we would like to have. We need a prayer list. Reminders concerning those we should remember in prayer. A prayer list will be constantly changing so it helps to write these vital concerns down. It is good to note how God answers our prayers. Maybe a list of answered prayers would help us later when we become worried or discouraged. Keeping a daily journal is one of the most important things a Christian can incorporate in life’s journey.

One more list that is important is a thanksgiving list. This one might be and probably should be the longest list a person can make. Sometimes, if we are not careful, we can become discouraged because we don’t have something that others have, or we feel that we are not being given the credit that is due us. We may feel let out. We allow those feelings to blind us to the wonderful blessing that we receive every day. I’ve been a little down because I miss my larger, roomier house that we moved from three weeks ago. But the truth is, at this point in our lives, we are in a better house, and are greatly blessed to have such a nice place to live.

A prayer list, and a thanksgiving list will keep us focused on others and on God. We will better see the plans that God has ordained for us. When we come into the presence of God each day we will less likely be embarrassed because we have neglected to pray for others and pray about his kingdom’s purpose. Following our prayer list and daily adding to our thanksgiving list will encourage us because we know that God can count on us. We may not be smarter, but I assure you that we will be much wiser.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks John Paul...very sweet thoughts! You have a wonderful way with words!!!😊🎶


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