Thursday, October 4, 2018

Be Still

We live in a noisy world. There is honking, loud trucks, sirens in the distance, hammering, blaring music, construction workers yelling, whistling and singing throughout the day as houses are being built all around us. For some the television goes on first thing in the morning and stays on all day. Or music constantly reverberates until the walls shake. Even in our cars the radio competes with the sounds of the outside as we speed by. Our work places each have their own unique unpleasant noises. Finally at night when our heads hit the pillow there may still be the constant noise of a fan humming. Are we addicted to noise?

I get tired of the hateful noises in our world. So much arguing, yelling, blaming, accusing, backstabbing, and violence that bombards us and serves only to make us angry, fearful and perhaps even desensitizes us. I think if I were God I would periodically yell out for all to hear, “Just shut up!” But I know, obviously, that is not God's way. Rather he simply says in his word, “Be still and know that I am God.”

I enjoy getting up early while it is still dark so that I can go outside and sit on my porch before all the noise begins. The only noises I hear are the birds waking up, a crow singing in the distance and my water fountain bubbling gently on the patio. It is my time to be still, to prepare for a new day, to be thankful, to count my blessings, to speak to my father, to listen to him speak to me, and to know that he is God. Be still my friends, and know that he is God.

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