Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Don’t Miss the Boat

After having eaten lunch and reclining in my recliner I find that napping comes easy. One afternoon while taking one of my visits to the land of slumber I was suddenly awakened by the sound of what I thought was a trumpet. That long high pitched blast startled me causing these old feet of mine to hit the floor as would a soldiers responding to reveillry. I was alone at the time so I rushed to the window to see if I could locate from where the sound had come. I saw no one anywhere around. My first thought was, ‘has the rapture occurred and have I been left behind?’ Finally, after mentally recovering from my nap I realized that I had heard the last wail of the monthly testing of the tornado warning system. I was so relieved because I was sure I would not be left behind at the rapture.

The brief panic I felt is what many will experience when Jesus does return to rapture his church. At that movement there will be no confusion as to what has happened. The whole earth will know immediately that the King of kings and the Lord of lords has returned. Rejoicing of the saints and angels will reverberate throughout the heavens. But on earth cries of anguish, fear and sadness will sweep over every nation. In heaven happy reunions will occur as families and friends join to worship the One who the world rejected. But on earth those who have truly been left behind will long to see the ones who will never return. The riches of a heavenly home will become the eternal reward for those who belong to Jesus. For those remaining on a cursed, sinful world their treasures and their once valued possessions will do little to restore the happiness once enjoyed. For the children of God they will forever be with He who loves them most. For the children of Satan they will forever be with the one who knows no love.

The sound of the angels final trumpet will sound one day. Jesus will return to establish his kingdom and to bring judgement on the earth's inhabitants. That day will affect every one of us. I pray that everyone will be ready when that day comes.

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