Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sweet Sounds

A mother is able to hear her baby in the night not only when it cries, but she is also keen to any other sound it might make. She knows those playful sounds, and the sounds of distress. She can tell if a diaper needs to be changed, or if it is feeding time. As the baby grows into a toddler a mother hears the sound of silence and rushes to see what kind of mischief her child is into. She hears that teen when he comes in at night way past curfew no matter how quiet he may be, but she is just relieved that he is home, that he is safe. The loving ears of a mother learns the sounds of heartache as her child matures. She hears with her heart when a son or daughter is hurting due to the betrayal of a friend, or when her child was not chosen for a part in the play, or a spot on the team. She hears the sound of disappointment because of rejection, and she hurts as much as her child.

Isn’t it amazing how great a mother’s love is for her child; amazing how sensitive the hearing of her heart. That keen sensitivity is given to her by God. He blessed all mothers with that gift, even an animal mother. Only God’s heart is more loving, more sensitive  and more forgiving than a mother’s heart. “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound…” is the song that touches the most hardened heart. The sound of God’s forgiving heart is the sweetest sound in our wicked world. God says to each of us, no matter what we have done, as he said to the sinful people of Israel and Judah, “I have always loved you, so I continue to show you my constant Love.”

There are people everywhere who think that their sin is greater than God’s love. That is a lie. Nothing we do can cause God to stop loving us. Listen, be still and hear the loving Father, our God, as he speaks to you, as he spoke to Israel and Judah who had sinned and had forsaken him, “I will be your God and you will be my people...because you will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive your sins, and I will no longer remember your wrongs.”
Do you hear that sound of the Heavenly Father’s amazing love? This is his amazing grace, that sweetest sound, that saves us from our sins if we will just ask him to forgive us as we believe in his Son, Jesus Christ.

Scripture reference: Jeremiah 31

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