Friday, November 16, 2018

The Blind Receive Sight

“How is it that a man born blind is now able to see? How did something like this happen?”

Jesus gave sight to a blind man, and it caused quite a stir. There was much debate concerning this act of healing. Maybe the man was not really blind! Who would do something like this on the sabbath? Would a man from God even think of making mud out of spit on the sabbath and putting it on someone's eyes? Is he a sinner or a prophet or is he crazy?

The people were greatly divided in this matter. The real question was, “Who is Jesus? The debate continues to this day. Jesus continues to cause division.

For a second time the religious leaders summoned this man who had been blind from birth. They said, “Give glory to God by telling the truth.” “We know this man is a sinner.” He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

What a great answer! Those of us who have been redeemed know what this man was saying. There are many things we don't understand about Jesus, about life in general, but one thing we do know is, “I was born blind, but now I see.” We have spiritual sight that those who refuse to believe in Jesus don't have. They look down their noses at us and with their authoritative, condescending voices and say, “How can you believe in this fictional mud makings imposter?”
“How can you believe that one man can be the answer to all the world's problems?”
“What can possibly make you believe that a man could die and be raised from the grave?”

We can look these doubters in the eye and say, “I once was blinded by the sinful ways of this fallen world, but now I know that Jesus has opened my eyes. I know that my Redeemer lives. Because he lives I have eternal life, and I will serve my risen savior forever.”

We have to remember that we are new creatures with Holy Spirit filled hearts. We don't need to get caught up in all of the silly, worthless debating going on in the world today. Christian wipe away the worldly mud from your eyes and let your words and actions reflect the love of Jesus. You were created for a higher purpose. We were given spiritual sight so that the works of God might be displayed in us. Those who are blind to the truth have hardened hearts and cannot understand the things of God. So we must remain faithful to our Lord and show the world who he really is. Pray each day that Jesus will open your eyes to the beauty of his holiness.

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