Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What People Want

I once knew a man who would ask in the meetings he led, “What pushes your warm button?” He was trying to find out what his people wanted, what they liked or excited them, what they thought they needed. What pushes societies warm button? Having observed people for 70 years in various stages and sectors of life I have concluded what pushes their warm buttons.

People want to be loved. They want respect. People want security. They want hope. Everyone wants others to know them by their name, to be needed, and appreciated. Unfortunately, many never feel like they have received these things. One reason that people fail to have their desires fulfilled is because they do not know how to get what pushes their warm buttons.

We receive what we want by first giving it away. If love is what you want then give love away. Be genuinely loving toward others. Let others know you care for their well being. Love the unlovely. Help those who others ignore or shun. If you don’t feel loved maybe you are not showing the appropriate love for others. True love is not found in sex. True love is found in sharing the love of Jesus.

One reason people are not respected is because they demand respect. They think they are more important than others. They want to be noticed and applauded for their accomplishments. If they are not noticed they will tell others what they have accomplished, and why they should be given the accolades they think they deserve. They are usually bitter and come across in a way that causes others to be uncomfortable when they are around them. Never display anger because you don’t get what you think you deserve. That is unbecoming of a servant of Christ. To earn respect be faithful in all you do and don’t announce to the world what you have done. Do this and others will notice your humble ways. God will honor such devotion, and you will gain respect.

This is true for those who want others to know them by their name. You will realize you are needed, and you will see that you are appreciated. But don’t expect everyone to appreciate you, and don’t glory in the recognition that you may receive. Give all the glory to God. Honor him in all you do. Remember God will not share his glory with anyone.

You want to be secure, and you want to have hope. Hope in the material is foolish. To hope in that which can not last is no hope at all. When our hope is in things we are wasting our warm buttons. Put your hope in God. Put your hope in that which is eternal. Put your hope in the eternal word of Our Heavenly Father. When you do that you will be secure. We find our security in Jesus Christ who said, “I will be with you always. I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That is the warmest button we can push.

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