Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Snakes In The Church

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.

Not everyone wants to go to church. Most don’t go to church. In fact, there are a good many people who go to church every Sunday who don’t want to be there and can’t wait until the final amen. I was one of those people at one time, and I was the pastor. I looked forward to preaching, and I enjoyed the fellowship of most of the congregation, but I dreaded the way a small group of members treated my family and me. They wanted me gone, they made sure I knew they want me to leave, and after about a year of their abuse I did leave. What about it, can you say what King David said about his glad anticipation of going into the Lord’s house?

I left that church and did not go to any church for over a year. I was hurt. The next few years were the worst in my life. That experience just about destroyed everything in my life. I’m sure many others have been hurt by something that happened at church, and like me quit going and perhaps have never returned to a church. There are people in churches who are cruel, mean spirited, selfish, and unfortunately some of them are in leadership positions. They are not being guided by God’s Spirit, but by satan's demons. They are as dangerous as having a rattle snake in the church. At least you know when the rattle snake is around. They are bullies, and in many cases there is no one in the church body who will stand up to them.

I am glad that I did not let that one bad experience keep me from from getting back into a church. Eventually, I did find another church where God healed me spiritually through the love of some people whose hearts were guided by the Holy Spirit. God reminded me to not forget the purpose of why his children go to church in the first place. We are to come together as a local body of believers who love God and want to worship him because he sent Jesus to save us from sin. Going to church is really not about me; it is about God. He is all that matters. Those people who think the church can’t operate without them need to be told, “This church is not about you, and what you want. It’s about The Heavenly Father and bringing glory to his name.”

Yes, I am glad when I can go to church and worship God. I look forward to Sunday’s. It makes me glad to be with others who love God, who serve him, and who love others no matter who they are. There is nothing that encourages me more than watching others express God’s love to one another, treating each other with respect and dignity.

Psalms 122:1

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, JP. We have all experienced those kind of people in the church. We've been gossiped about, lied about, and even stabbed in the back. Indeed, it hurts much more when a Brother is the one who inflicts the hurt.

    But the Church isn't a sanctuary against evil... it's where "sinners" come together, wherever each may be in his/her walk with Christ, and Satan is doing all he can to destroy their faith... and ours.

    You are right. Some people feel so disheartened, violated, and hurt that they never return too any church. Yet, God is still in control and uses everything for His purposes.

    I'm so thankful that He led you and Sherrie back to church and back to all of us... who need the love and support of our Brothers and Sisters to remain strong and grow in our faith.


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