Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Greatest Offender

Very often offensive people are are those in positions of authority. Most of the time they don’t care who is offended by what they say or by what they do. Therefore they are not liked, and those they offend don’t want to be around them or have anything to do with them. Possibly the greatest offender in the history of mankind was Jesus Christ. In fact he continues to offend today.

Jesus said things that offended others. For example one day he said, “For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in them.” Sounds gross doesn’t it? That’s what the Pharisees thought, and the average Joe on the street. Even most of those who considered themselves to be his disciples were grossed out by what Jesus had said. Many of his disciple decided that his teachings were too hard and they dropped his class. They said, “We cannot accept it.”

Jesus was using imagery when spoke those words. He wasn’t  referring to cannibalism. The people didn’t understand that Jesus was teaching them that in his humanity, in his flesh, that he was going to suffer and die for them which was represented by the shedding of his blood. He knew the struggles of mankind up close and personal. Jesus was calling these sinful people to partake of his flesh and blood spiritually to make him and his teachings more than just an intellectual activity. Humanity’s only hope was and is to make Jesus the center of our lives.

From this time the scripture says that many of his disciples turned back and followed him no more. They rejected the one who offended them. This was a very disappointing moment for Jesus. He came to save them, and they turned their backs on him. In what I imagine was a very serious time of decision for the twelve disciple whom he had called Jesus said, “You do not want to leave too, do you?”

Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” And we know that all but Judas followed Jesus to the end. This was one of the most tender experiences in the scripture. How this must have blessed Jesus. I don’t know but there surly were a lot of tears after Peter made that wonderful declaration of love and commitment.

Others turned their backs on Jesus but not the eleven disciples. More and more people are turning their backs on Jesus. This has become the norm, the popular thing to do. We all know people who once followed Jesus, but have accepted the views of the world and no longer follow Jesus although they may indicate they do. The world needs more people who are not offended by Jesus and who will say, “Lord to whom shall we go?”. Our evil society needs more sweet tender moments when people confess that Jesus Christ truly has the words of eternal life.

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