Thursday, January 17, 2019

This May Be Your Shining Year

Our world is blessed with talented people. I think everyone has the ability to do something outstanding. You are naturally gifted to sing, dance, play a musical instrument, create artistically, or build an amazing structure. Some are able to rebuild or repair things that were ready for the trash bin, or to put a seed in the ground and nurture it until it produces something of beauty, or take various ingredients and create a delicious meal. Some are outstanding athletes, wonderful speakers, or have a way of taking a pen and writing stories, poems or any number of pieces that inform or entertain. These are just a few of the talents that men and women have. There are many others.
There is a car dealership commercial on TV and the sales spokesman says, "Don't tell me what you won't do, tell me what you will do." Have you ever said, "I can't do anything?."  Then you list talents that you are not able to do. You may even say, "I don't have a talent. I don't do anything well." That is very unlikely. You are lying to yourself and selling God short, You may just be making an excuse not to do something. Possibly you are fulfilling the false prophecies that a parent, teacher or friend spoke about you. The Bible says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God has given you talents, abilities and He has gifted you to do whatever He created you to do for His glory. Trust in Christ who gives you strength to do what God created you to do.  
 I have been guilty. Once I didn't think I could do anything. . Be honest. What can you do? What will you do? Make this new year the year that you develop your talents, use your abilities and you gifts. Let the world know what you can do. You owe it to God. You owe it to yourself. You are not getting any younger. Don't regret someday that you never used the talents that God gave you. What a wonderful blessing you will be to your family, friends and maybe the whole world! Just remember, don't tell the world what you can't do, show it what you can do!

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