Monday, February 25, 2019

Just Wondering?

Did You Ever:

Wake up to the sound and smell of coffee being made in a percolator?

Eat a Miracle Whip sandwich? Just bread and light bread.

Ride a school bus that had three or four kids in every seat with students standing in the aisle all the way to the back of the bus while the bus driver was smoking a cigarette while looking in his mirror yelling at somebody to behave?

Eat home churned butter on saltine crackers?

Your favorite soda was a RC cola. Maybe a Moon Pie?

Listen to the family radio because there was no TV?

Turned the crank on a phone for the operator and tell her who you wanted to talk to so she can connect your call?

Have to wait for one of the six people on your party line to get finished talking before you can make a call?

Listen to the conversation of someone on your party line?

Did you ever hitchhike?

You hauled hay, worked in tobacco (setting, hoeing, cutting, housing and stripping), and other farm work for your dad, and even neighbors and rarely got paid.

Swam in a pond.

Your most common form of transportation was an old bicycle.

Played basketball in the barnyard in the cold and rain while wearing the Converse basketball shoes that you had to wear for your varsity basketball games.

Drink milk straight from the cow?

Coon hunt?

Snipe hunt?

Go frog gigging?

Go parking in a cemetery?

Drag race on a highway, maybe starting at Brady's stretch?

Take names in your class while the teacher left the room.

If you were a girl were you only allowed to wear a dress or a skirt to school?

Go to a sock hop!

Watched a magical show at a Southern Assembly program at school and only paid a dime.

Go to a donkey basketball game in your school’s gym?

Go to a drive-inn movie?

Sneak into a drive-inn movie in the trunk of a car?

Have a senior sneak day, and the school was okay with it?

Your memories of school are a lot better than the actual experience.

Couldn't wait to graduate, and then cried when you did?

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