Thursday, February 28, 2019

Runt of the Litter, February

Today is the last day of the month of February. You may have noticed that February only has twenty-eight days. The other eleven months of the year have at least thirty days. Now does that make sense?  It appears that someone decided, I guess, to try and satisfy this injustice by giving February, the runt of the litter, an extra day every four years. Even that only gives February twenty-nine days which is still one day less than the four months with thirty days. That leaves seven months which are abundantly blessed with thirty-one days. Seems to me that equality would have been better served if January and March had been thirty day months, and one day from each of those two months given to poor old February.

But what about that crazy leap year thing? I suppose we need to make room for that. My birthday month is October which currently has thirty-one days. I would be glad to offer to sacrifice October 31 to satisfy the need for leap year. October could bear the burden of having only thirty days with that one extra day every four years.

For those still reading this, (some stopped reading because they thought I had lost my mind) I think I know some influential people who may agree with me. One person who might wave the banner to bring equality to February is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She and many of her like minded contemporaries would jump on this bandwagon in a New York minute. As insignificant as this may seem I’m sure that this brilliant group would accept the challenge to change our calendar because it would be an excellent opportunity for them to screw up something that has worked for over 2,000 years. Goodbye February and happy birthday to those born on the 29th or whenever you celebrate.

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