Thursday, March 7, 2019


The year was 1966 that our basketball team traveled to a little town in the foothills of Cumberland County Kentucky. The opponent’s gym was like many in that day. It was very small, but it had one unusual architectural difference from any I had ever seen. There was a balcony that hung out over the sideline of the floor which preventing any high arching passes from the person inbounding the ball. But there was another function and perhaps advantage that the balcony provided for the home team. A few students from their perch above the floor brandished peashooters that they used to fire upon the visiting players when they came onto the floor. As we were warming up preparing to play we were pelted with whatever ammunition might fit into their weapons—peas of course, tiny spit balls, ball bearings and only heaven knows what. Throughout the game we would feel the occasional pea from a well hidden sniper in that balcony. On the night we played, however, the fan’s efforts were for naught as we won the game.

I thought about that night over 50 years ago as I was reading Psalm 2, “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed...” The psalmist’s tells us how God reacts, “The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath.”

We watch those who arrogantly test God with their outrageous in your face life styles. They completely ignore God’s warnings. They make fun of those who God has called to speak the good news of his loving grace. Most don’t believe in a God who abhors their way of living. To them they are committing no sin. They don’t believe that a loving God would demonstrate his terrible wrath againt anyone. So they refuse to repent and accept his forgiveness and love through his Son Jesus Christ . 

The nation’s bring their peashooter idealism to shoot down the claims found in God’s Holy Word. Why is it that nations reject God’s perfect plan? Why do they plot I’ve vain following Satan who is leading them to eternal damnation? It is because they love their sin too much to change.

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