Sunday, April 14, 2019

When Grown Ups Act Like Children

I taught middle school students for 27 years. These students are coming out of grade school, entering puberty, and they are not really sure where they fit in. I remember several, mostly boys, being shocked when they found out they no longer would be getting recess. Some students at the ages of 12 to 14 reached a point where they thought they were adults; others were content to remain children.

At what age does a person reach maturity? When do we get our diploma that verifies that we are grown ups? It has been my experience that some of my middle school students acted more grown up than their parents. Go to a baseball game or a basketball game and you will see what I’m talking about. If we are looking for an age of “grown upness” we are considering the wrong measuring stick.

Growing up is a lifelong process. Age has very little to do with whether or not a person has reached a level of maturity. Jesus gave this command, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” What is it that you don't like that others do to you? It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. How do you know if you are grown up?
You don't intentionally hurt others. Remember this one when you post some of your political rants.
You admit when you are wrong,
You know when to bite your lip and keep your mouth shut.
You are quick to say, “I'm sorry.”
You consider the feelings of others over your own.
You sacrifice to help others.
You don't act out of anger.
You show compassion for all people.
And you realize that you don't always have to be right, especially when you are wrong. I am learning this one from my wife.

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