Monday, May 13, 2019

A Threat To Our Faith

When I was a boy I was taught about the triune God, the Heavenly Father, His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
I was taught that the Bible was God's Holy Word. I was taught that Jesus Christ was sent to us to save us from our sins so that we would be able to have an eternal fellowship with our Father because of his love for us. I learned that our dear Savior sacrificed himself on a cross where he died, then he was placed in a tomb and after three days he rose from the dead conquering death. I was taught that the worst part of his sacrifice was taking our sins upon himself. He, who knew no sin, became sin so that we might live forever.

I believed every bit of what I was taught and still do. I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sin and to come into my life. I received his Holy Spirit, and my life was changed. I have lived most of my seventy years with no threat to my Christian faith. But now I am seeing that some within the institution that I have trusted to guarantee that I would have the right to express my faith, and worship my Heavenly Father is in fact trying to take that right away from me. These people hate Jesus. They actually hate the America that I have always known and loved. They have the power, the money and the backing of evil individuals all over the world to eventually silence anyone who speaks the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Never before in America has there been a time when Christians must stand strong in their faith and band together to proclaim that Our Jesus is Lord and the only hope for eternal life. Those Christians who have separated themselves from a local church must put aside their differences and unite with other believers to stand strong against this threat on Christianity. We must come together to worship our God and ask him to intervene when the enemy comes against us. Our prayers must increase and be specific about healing our nation which has become very wicked. Pray that we might see the Mighty hand of God sweep across our nation to quel this threat against his faithful followers and against his Son.

“Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” 1 Corinthian 8:6

Our fight is not with weapons, nor with threats toward those who wish to kill us. Our Fight is found through our faith in the One God, and one Lord Jesus Christ who created all things and all people. He is sovereign and he is able to win the victory. He can and will destroy those who hate Jesus, and who provain his Holy name. For those of us who are strong in the Lord and those who are willing to stand against the ones who are a threat to our faith we should boldly proclaim that God is the one true God and that Jesus is one Lord. If Christians all over our nation would tell this to the world every day I think it would be a huge step to deter the forces of Satan. If we remain silent now, our children and grandchildren will be forced to remain silent or die.

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