Saturday, May 18, 2019

Where I Want To Be

In late October 1948 my mama started taking me to church. Just the two of us went because my dad didn't go to church back then. I was only two or three weeks old. For almost 5 years, until my brother was born, it was my mom and me making that trip every Sunday. My mother made sure that Mike and I were in church, and involved in Sunday school. I grew up having instilled in me that attending church was essential.

As I got older there were other things that I had rather be doing than going to church. By then my dad had started going with us, and he was as determined  as my mother that church was the place I would be on Sunday morning. In my college days I went through a period where I didn't go to church every Sunday. Later in my early forties I went through a dark time when I stopped going to church. I'll have to say that was the worst time of my life. I thank God that he got my life redirected, and back on track.

For 70 years I have been going to church. Sherri and I have moved several times, and we have been members of many different local churches. That's the life of many pastors. I look forward to attending church on Sunday. There is no way I can explain why church is so important to me because most people would not understand. I think that I enjoy going to church because I am with people who love the same way I love. They love the same person I love, and his name is Jesus. We all have a desire to worship our God, and praise him not just because of what he has given us, but because who he is. Yep, I'm excited about going to church tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE being with the church! Nothing like it! And just like we made our kids brush their teeth or go to school because we knew it was good for them, we did the same about being with the church
    Now THEY love being with their church family. Some of their best friends are in their 20', 30's and 40's, because they serve and serve with these people.


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