Sunday, June 2, 2019

Life Is Not A Drama

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts... William Shakespeare, (From As You Like It, spoken by Jaques)

The character Jacque goes on to explain there are seven stages that men and women play from birth until death. Like actors they go through the drama of life, performing their parts every day. Each plays the part they have been given. Perhaps if that be the case it would seem that some have the starring roles, some supporting roles, but probably most have the parts of extras barely noticed.

Can our lives be reduced to nothing more than a performance where we recite lines which are predictable so as to satisfy the expectations of an immoral society? Are we nothing more that actors pretending that our lives are something that they really aren’t, roles that go against everything that we have been taught and believe? Do we put on costumes every morning that hide our insecurities, our doubts and our fears?

I think many people, more than ever before, are caught up in the drama influenced by the lies of media, TV, the movie industry and the sports world. Our young people today do not know what is real and what is fake. Many adults are running the rat race to achieve  fame and fortune. Their importance hinges on what they have, where they’ve been,  who they know, what noteworthy things they have accomplished and the recognition they have received. Men and women merely players, performing, acting, desiring the applause of others is about what their lives are about.

The truth is we are not players on a stage. We are humans created by the living God. Our purpose is not to play a starring role to gain accolades from the world. We were put on this earth to live for our creator, to be obedient to him, to follow the example of Jesus and live as he taught us to live. We are to live humble lives, not proud. We came into this world with nothing and we will leave with nothing. We own nothing while we live in this world. Not even our lives are our own. I think how foolish these women and the politicians who support them are when they say that a woman’s body is her own, and she should do whatever she desires with it. That is a lie straight from hell. God owns everything. He made everything, and just as he made our bodies he can take them anytime he desires. We should thank him every day that he is gracious and merciful to us, and forgiving.

This morning Sheri and I were serving as guest receptionist at the end of our worship service. A gentleman, well into his eighties, stopped by to talk to me as he was leaving. He has been very sick and is really showing the effects of his lingering illness. I was asking him how he was coming along. He spoke briefly about himself, and then he wanted to know how I was doing. I shared with him how I had struggled the last four months with my diabetes. He listened and without hesitation he said, “I want to pray for you right now.!” He put his hand to on my shoulder and began praying, asking God to provide a solution to the problems I have been experiencing. What he did meant so much to me. He wasn’t thinking about himself, he was thinking about me. Why? Because he loves God. He loves others. That is what this thing we call life is all about. No drama, no acting, no pretension, just the love of a gracious God being demonstrated through one of his precious children.

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