Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Joyful Sound

 "Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day long, and in Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength, and  in Your favor our horn is exalted." Psalm 89:15-17

There are many sounds in our world today that are not so joyful. Sounds of the world’s kingdom are meant to  upset, frighten, cause separation, fear, doubt and ignite a furry of anger in the world. Those who fall for the lies of evil only hear sounds of despair and conflict. 

In contrast the Bible teaches us that God has put a glorious sound in place, a joyful sound that will provide lasting happiness and peace. We are blessed because of this marvelous sound. Those who are surrounded by this sound are lifted to a higher level of understanding of the One who created the heavens and earth. What is this sound? It is the song of love. It is perfectly pitched in kindness and compassion. This sound is a melody of hope, sacrifice and salvation for all. There is no sound sweeter to the ears of those who are weary of helpless wandering in the world of lostness, and are willing to put their trust and faith in the One who composed the joyful sound.

Those offensive sounds from the world's screeching and clanging make us cringe. The demented music on the ears of the lost is applauded because they have never heard the joyful sound. They have rejected the glorious melody of the only One who can redeem them from the clutches of Satan, their slave master.  And so, the joyful sound prepared for the redeemed comes down from the Father and lands gently on saved hearts. Blessed are those who know the joyful sound of the righteous One for they will rejoice in his name all day long. In his righteousness thay are exalted to walk with the Lord in the light of his countenance.

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