Saturday, September 9, 2017

Finish Well

Those born in America from 1946 through 1964 are known as Baby Boomers. I was born in 1948 so I'm one of the older of the Boomer generation, and we Boomers are all getting old. There are about 75 million of us left. We are no longer in the majority, but there are still enough of us that we can make a difference. There is a problem with our way of thinking as we plan for whatever days we have left.

Naturally we have worked, and have planned for retirement. There's nothing wrong with that if we can afford to retire. There is problem, however, when we just quit doing anything productive. If all we do is live for our own enjoyment and pleasure we are missing out on opportunities to be a positive force in the lives of others. If traveling, fishing, hobbies, watching TV, and other self centered activities is all we do with our time we have missed the whole point of aging gracefully. Baby Boomers should want to finish well. There are enough of us that we can make a big difference in the communities where we live.

We Baby Boomers have been given very much. We lived through the beginning of the modern era,  and witnessed the biggest changes in the history of the world. We went from outhouses to indoor toilets, to bathrooms with running water, fancy appliances, TV’s, private phone lines, nice automobiles, airplanes that fly us anywhere we want to go; you name it we have had it served to us. The Bible says that for those who have been given much, much will be expected. Boomers, we ain't done yet! There are people who need us. There are things we must get done before we leave this world. What will future generations say about us? I hope they say, “Those Boomers finished well!”

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