Friday, September 8, 2017

The Gentle Heart

“Let your gentleness be evident to all…” Philippians 4: 5

No matter where you live or where you are from you know him. He may be seen today in the big city, in a small town, or on a farm far from any urban area. He may be on a mission field, in a mosque, a church, a temple or in thousands of different places. He may be anywhere in the world. He speaks many languages. He is a huge man, strong with a rough appearance. He is small in stature, meek, and unassuming. He speaks with a booming voice. He is quiet, and doesn't have much to say. He has many names, and he is making a positive difference in our world.

This man is found in every occupation, and in every culture. He is rich, and he is poor. He is educated, and uneducated, but most importantly he is a gentle man with a tender heart. The same things can be said of the gentle women of the world. A gentle person brings calm to almost any explosive relationship, to any person that is hurting, or being ripped to pieces within the depths of their being. These gentle souls can lighten the heavy load. They can bring a hush over the most volatile situation.  The influence of a gentle presence is very much needed in our world today.

What is this humanity which wars on every front--within the heart and soul, toward its fellow man, and at the tremendous price of violating the right of nations to live in peace? What is this humanity that is on the verge of destroying itself? No matter who you are, or what you believe--Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist or agnostic you have to agree our world needs more men and women who bring a gentle influence to the hearts of people in every religion, culture, and nation. May that need be met in each of us. Let your gentle, loving, spirit touch the world wherever you go.


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