Friday, September 1, 2017

God Got It Right

God Got It Right

There had to be a plan, a plan orchestrated and carried out to perfection. Otherwise what exists today could not possibly be as it is. There could only be disorder and chaos if not for God’s perfect plan. Before there was time there was God who decided to bring about order by bringing into existence all that is or has ever been.

God said, “Let there be light and there was light.” He separated light from darkness. He made the heavens, the stars, the sun, the moon and all the planets. He made the sky and everything in the sky, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets and all the glorious sights beyond. God said, “It is good!"

God made the seas and the dry land which he called earth. The earth brought forth all kinds of vegetation. There were beautiful trees with delicious fruit. Every kind of tree was created. God said, “It is Good!"

God made the great whales, fish and all kinds of sea creatures to live and swim to the depths of the mighty seas. He created winged fowls of every kind to soar through the sky above the earth. God made living creatures, cattle, the beasts of the fields, both small and large, and all the wonderful animals that creep upon the earth. And God said, “It is good!"

God said, “Let us make man in our image.” So out of the dust of the earth God made man and breathed into him the breath of life. God made a beautiful garden just for the man he had made, and it was there in Eden that he placed him. God looked at all he had created and he said, “This is very good!"

God watched man for a while and then he said, “It is not good.” Something was wrong. He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” Adam, this man, needed someone to complete him. He needed someone like him, yet a bit different to love. He needed a helper, a companion. He needed a woman. Together they would have children. A man with a woman. A woman with a man. The first family model. God’s perfect plan, a plan he ordained from the beginning of time.

So God put Adam to sleep and removed one of his ribs. From that rib woman was created. When Adam awoke he had the surprise of his life.  Adam was standing on the threshold of the model representing God's plan to bring sinful man into a right relationship with Him, a beautiful bride for His Son, Jesus Christ. For Adam it was love at first sight? Before they spoke a word  Adam loved Eve. It must have been like  a magnetic attraction when his eyes first met hers, the first touch, a warm embrace and holding her hand, a nervous smile,  the first kiss, a whisper mouthed in silence, “I love you.” Adam was excited.

And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh!”

Allow me the liberty to express what I think Adam was really saying. “WOW! Look at this babe! She is fantastic! Thank you God for my woman."

Think about it men. God has given you a babe. She is fantastic. She is in the WOW zone. She is your helper, your companion, the one who loves you and the one you love. Thank God for her every day. And let your precious wife know how much you love her and appreciate her. God definitely got it right when he gave me my babe. And I didn't even lose a rib to get her! Wow!

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