Friday, September 29, 2017

Love That Will Not Let Go

Recently I have heard about two young mother's who told their husbands, "I don't love you any more. I am leaving." Both of these ladies are involved in affairs. Even more tragic, one of them has four children and the other has three. Two families torn apart because a spouse no longer loves her mate. Two husbands devastated. How can a mom or a dad simply walk away from the love of the one they promised to cherish until death? 

This happens every day. Hearts are broken by the betrayal of another way too often. Humanity can be insensitive and cruel. The love that seemed invincible and secure too often is ripped away like a bandage protecting a wound. Today, as never before, hurting individuals are looking for love that will never leave, a love that will remain steadfast. Where can they find a love like that? 

There is a love that will never leave, no matter what. Our choir's chamber group sang a beautiful song which spoke of the love that all of us need. "Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go," When I heard those words tears filled my eyes. Even when I have bern at my worst this love did not let me go. When Satan was pulling me away to the depths of darkness God's love held on tight, and would not let me go. When we receive God's love nothing in this world can tear it away. 

John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 

"Oh love that will not let me go
I rest my weary soul in thee
I give you back the life I owe
And in your ocean depths it's flow
May richer, fuller be"

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