Monday, October 23, 2017

Choose the Light Over Darkness

There have been amazing discoveries over the past century that have made life easier and more convenient for us. One of those discoveries has to do with light. Just think how the light bulb has evolved. We now have light bulbs which are supposed to last twenty years or more. If that is so, I have light bulbs in my house that will outlive me. I’m not sure I like that –it’s a bit unsettling. Think of the many things that we can do today because of the advancement of lighting technology. Man is able to work on just about any project twenty four hours a day. Not long ago I drove through a road paving project in the mountains of West Virginia late at night. Large construction lights lit up that area as though it was  the middle of the day. We can be in the light anywhere and anytime if we choose.
One simple truth is that you and I can recognize the darkness, and understand when we need to turn on the light. Rather profound don’t you think–maybe not. A truth that is not quite as simple is this; millions of people in the world today are stumbling around in spiritual darkness and don’t know it. Now that is profound and tragic. It is tragic because the light is available to them, and they are not coming to the Light, not seeking the Light, and many are rejecting the Light.
Jesus told a crowd of people one day right after he had predicted his death, “You are going to have the Light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the Light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the Light while you have the Light, so that you may become children of the Light.” Jesus is the light of the world, the spiritual light. Later Jesus said, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”
Why do people turn from the light and reject Jesus? They reject Jesus because they love the darkness. They love the things the world offers. Therefore, their eyes have been blinded, and their hearts have been hardened. They love the praises and applause of people more than the humility of servant-hood. People love this physical world more than they desire life eternal with Jesus, the One who came and died to give them light.
Darkness is all around us. We can see the results of this hellish darkness everywhere in the world. However, we are not to lose hope. We who know Jesus are in the light. We are the light of the world. We shine everyday. Because we are in the light we are to remain strong despite the presence of darkness. We are not to fear and give up. The ultimate victory is ours through Jesus Christ who is the source of our light.
I thank God that he showed me the light and gave me the opportunity to receive the Light. I am grateful that I no longer have to stumble around in darkness. I praise God that those of us who know the Light will someday see Him face to face. That twenty year light bulb may outlast me here on earth. But one day it will burn out, and I will continue to shine like the noon day sun, forever, in my heavenly home.

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