Friday, October 20, 2017

Open the Door

One of the most tragic occurrences today is the broken relationship. A mother or a father who has disowned a child and will not speak to them. An adult who doesn’t want to have anything to do with mom or dad. A sibling who has turned against his brother or sister. This happens all too often, and it is a terrible thing, a very childish, self centered thing to do.

There is one thing that is much more tragic. That is when a child of God has shut their Heavenly Father out of his or her life. This happens all the time. A person experiences a great loss, and they blame that loss on God. They have lost a spouse, a child, a job, or something very dear to them, and they no longer want to acknowledge God or have anything to do with him. These people stop praying, stop studying their Bible, stop going to church, and most of the time stop having anything to do with other followers of Jesus. In this they destroy many wonderful relationships.

A good relationship with the Heavenly Father hinges on praying to him, worshipping and praising him, reading his word, and listening to him speak by meditating every day. There are people who have shut God out of their lives, and they don’t even know it. They may pray when things in their life aren’t so good. They may go to church now and then. At Christmas they may even read the story of Jesus birth from the Bible. If a person is to have a meaningful relationship with God they must want to spend time seeking him every day by doing all the things listed in the first sentence of this paragraph.

God desires to have a close relationship with you. Revelation 3:20 says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” When you have a good relationship with your friends one thing you like to do is get together and go out to eat. You like to have a meal together, talk and laugh with each other. Jesus is saying, “Hey, let’s get together for a meal. I want to hear from you. I have some things I want to say to you. I love being with you because I love you.” Revelation 3:20 is the best invitation you will ever get. It is so tragic when day after day we shut Jesus out by not opening the door to let him in.The most important thing any of us can do is to accept that offer, and do a meal with Jesus.

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