Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Thanksgiving Table

Remember those Thanksgiving days of the past when family gathered around the Thanksgiving table? When in your childhood grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, your mom and dad and siblings would come together for the most delicious meal anyone could imagine. The gathering around the Thanksgiving table was one of your grandmother's favorite times of the year. Her children and grandchildren were all together at her house. She beamed with pride even as she busied herself in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the bountiful meal. Everyone had their job to do. Grandmother, Mimi, Nana or whatever the grandchildren called her was a master at conducting with strategic percision all of her kitchen helpers to bring the feast together.

At last the meal was ready and all of the family took their places- adults around the big table, and the children, near by, gathered at the kids tables sitting on whatever would hold a small bottom. Even before a bite was taken compliments rang out in anticipation of the delicious dinner that all would soon consume.  The noise level would rise to a deafening level as every voices spoke at once until Grandpa rose, and one by one everyone became silent. Maybe he gave a short speech, told a funny story or made an amusing  remark about someone around the table, probably Grandma, all in fun of course. But most importantly he asked everyone to bow their heads and he prayed.

His gentle voice began extolling the wonderful works of the Heavenly Father. He spoke of Jesus his savior. He thanked God for his wonderful family expressing his love for each one. He thanked God for the food prepared by the hands of his loving wife, and asked for God's blessings on food, and on family. He thanked a God for the  abundant blessings of the past year. Then he said, “Amen”, and as he sat down he turned his attention to grandma. She always had something to say before a single bowl was passed. She often provided an explanation about a certain dish, or gave an apology for something she thought might not have turned out like she had hope.or began serving the little ones. Most notably it was always evident that she was not the least bit in a hurry to fill her own plate. She would wait until everyone had been served and was busy eating before she would take a bite.

As the eating got underway the conversation was less. Everything was delicious and words spoken were mostly compliments to Grandmother. Pies and cakes were plentiful, and after the table had been cleared of dinner dishes the sweets were plated, coffee was served and stories began to be told. One by one uncles, aunts and grandparents shared funny stories about family members, some  present at the Thanksgiving Table, and some that had passed on years before. Embellishments accompanied each tale, and the youngsters took in every word painting pictures in their minds that they would recall for the rest of their lives. Laughter filled the house, hardy laughter, the kind of laughter that brings tears to the eyes. Every year the same stories were told but they never got old or boring.

Those were wonderful times, those times around the family Thanksgiving table. The memories are priceless. If you are as old as I am many of the ones who gathered around the Thanksgiving table are gone. More than likely you are the Grandmother or the Grandfather. You are at the head of your own Thanksgiving  table and hopefully, you will continue the tradition carried on by your grandparents or your mother and father. It may not be the same, but anytime there is a gathering of family sitting around the Thanksgiving table, whether large or small, a wonderful tradition lives. This year be thankful for the Thanksgiving table, the memories of those precious days around the Thanksgiving table, and the special people who you call family. Be sure to thank God, your Heavenly Father, and always include Him around your Thanksgiving Table

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite holidays of the year! Happy Thanksgiving to the Brady Bunch! I love you both!


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