Wednesday, December 6, 2017

It Ain’t the Same As it Was

When did it change? This season of craziness, this time of blinking lights, and bows on pretty boxes, parties, dinners, rushing to sales to buy things, lots of things to put under a tree. Then a candlelight service, get the kids home, and to bed so they can rise early on the morning to open gifts, lots of gifts, and more family comes knocking at the door, more food, more gift giving, and its over, everybody leaves, and it’s over. It’s over until next year when it is repeated just like it has been repeated year after year. When did it change this time when God became man?

I am told a Jewish merchant in my hometown said years ago during Christmas gift buying time that he wished Jesus had had a brother born in August. I don’t know if that is true, but I would think from what I’ve seen happening in the last 50 years there are many merchants who would say the same thing. We have seen Christmas take a back seat to commercialism. Most people born since the 1960’s have no idea what Christmas really is.

I saw a reporter interviewing a man who was heading up an effort to collect toys for kids who would not have a Christmas unless people brought in gifts or donated money so gifts could be bought. Isn’t it sad that children will not have Christmas unless they get gifts? The two of them were in a huge warehouse, and it was absolutely full of toys. There were rows of new bicycles. Boxes of video games, and things I’m too old to understand. All of these items are going to provide Christmas for children who actually will celebrate commercialism, not Christmas.

I am not against helping those who are really needy. Every child should have some gifts to open. But I know that many who receive this help take advantage of the system. Parents who know how to beat the system go every place that helps children, receiving much more than they really need, and they turn this into their own financial advantage. Too much emphasis on getting the gift, not enough emphasis on worshiping the real Gift.

Here are some questions for us to ponder. When did Christmas change? Why did Christmas change? What child is this who was sent from heaven's glory to live in a sinful world? Why did God send us such a special Gift? Why don’t we worship the real Gift, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior?

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