Thursday, February 7, 2019

Jesus’ State Of The Union

What if Jesus could have given the State of the Union address to our nation? The introduction of Jesus would have gone something like this: Almighty God, the Author of all life, the King of Kings who humbled himself coming to the earth as one like us to die for every human to save them from sin. While on this earth he owned nothing but the clothes on his back. This man Jesus loved the poor, the weak and the sick; he loved the rich, those in power, even those who hated him. For three years he taught and ministered to those who would receive him. Few believed in him, and the religious hypocrites and the government leaders killed him.

Would his reception have been any different on Tuesday night than it was when he walked this earth over two thousand years ago. Sitting there in that great historic place how would those present have responded to Jesus? Oh I imagine the power hungry hypocrites, those who's decisions have been guided by the pleasures of man, not God, those who had never believed in him nor believed that he ever existed would have sat with smirked faces, arms crossed, shaking their heads in disgust that a fake like Jesus would be allowed to stand in their most honorable presence. When it comes to decisions about Jesus times haven’t changed. The majority of those there in the Capital and those watching on television, if their reaction to Jesus were true to their hearts, it would have been the same as the reaction of the people in the last moments of his life on earth.

I don’t think Jesus’ speech would have been about the state of our nation’s economy or other material matters. I think it would have been about the state of our nation’s hearts. We must know that Jesus is more than God of the New Testament. He is God of the entire Bible. Jesus is the one who said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”, “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb”. Jesus loved the little children. They were precious to him, and I’m sure just as precious to him are the unborn children. He had a special holy effect on John the Baptist when he was still in his mother's womb. This happened when Mary was with child, the baby Jesus, “When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Think about it; what if these two babies had been aborted?

Abortion is a brutal act. It is murder. I can’t imagine how any God honoring person can commit the heartless act of killing a child minutes before it is delivered from its mother's womb, or making that child “comfortable” while its parents decide if they want to keep it. This kind of legislation which makes it legal to perform an abortion defines us as a godless nation.

Scripture References: Ezekiel 16, Leviticus 20, Psalm 139,


  1. Bro. John Paul, spot on, with everything you said!!! The very people at the sotu with arms crossed and smirked faces and hatefulness oozing from the pores would have been in the crowd of Jesus' day saying "crucify, crucify!!" This is our holocaust that we will have to answer to some day. More than 60 million to date to have to answer for. This IS a situation where one person can make a difference. By choosing life!! I just wonder how many generations of families have been killed thru the acts of abortions/murder committed at the hand of evil people. When one little baby is killed, every branch of that tree that would have born fruit is killed also. We can count the seeds in one apple, but it is humanly impossible to count the apples in one seed. Thanks for the good read. patty

  2. Thank you Patty. I agree with you completely. It bothers me very much the direction our country is headed.


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