Monday, January 29, 2018

The Most Awesome Responsibility

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had laid hands on them, he went on from there. Matthew 19:14-15

I can’t think of a more beautiful, loving thought than to picture Jesus with precious little children. Jesus desired to be with children. The scripture above is in context with the disciples rebuking the children’s parents forbidding them to bring their little ones to Jesus. When Jesus saw what the disciples were doing he scolded them. “Don’t hinder them from coming to me.” Hurray for Jesus! Who would dare prevent children from being with Jesus? What insensitive bruit would try to stop Jesus from laying his hands on a child and praying for him? That’s what the disciples were trying to do.

It is a tremendous blessing to see parents bringing their children to Sunday School on Sunday morning. Newborns to age 11 are brought  to a place where they can learn about Jesus. This past Sunday there were 10 or 12 children who sang during our worship service. They sang about Jesus. They knew the words, words they will never forget. Everyone loves to hear little children sing about the Lord. I’m glad that the parents, adult Sunday School teachers and workers, and choir director and musicians work so hard to bring our children to Jesus.

Who then keeps children from Jesus? Who is it that hinders the children from coming to Him? All too often it is their parents who get in the way of their children from coming to Jesus. I suppose there are a number of reasons why parents do this. In our society many parents are simply indifferent when it comes to church. They don’t think getting their children to Sunday School is important. Just let them wait until they are older, and they can decide for themselves if they want to go. Some parents had a bad experience with church. So they don’t go, and, therefore, their children don’t go. There are many parents who don’t believe in God. There are even Christian parents who are walking in darkness. Their hearts are hardened, and Church is the last thing on their minds.

Because of these selfish reasons children are not learning about Jesus or the wonderful stories in the Bible. Today our schools are full of children and teens who are biblically illiterate. They have no idea who Noah, David or Paul are. They know very little about Jesus. They don’t know about the depravity of sin. They know nothing of the plan of salvation. And they are growing up separated from Jesus and are bound for hell because their parents didn’t think it was important to take them to Jesus.

Parents can give their children the nicest gifts in the world. But the most important thing that parents can give their child is a Christian mother, and a godly dad, who both love Jesus and teach that child everything they can about Him. It breaks Sherri’s heart and my heart to watch when parents are hindering their beautiful, precious child from coming to Jesus. If she or he are not taught early about Jesus it will be much harder when they are older to come to him. Statistics show that by the time a person reaches age 18 the odds that they will accept Jesus as Savior become very low. When they are very young, when they are little children, they need wise counsel from their parents. Parents, please take your child to Sunday School and church. Take them to Jesus.

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