Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Everyone Can Sing

I imagine there are hundreds of different species of birds. I have no idea how many. There are tiny birds like the hummingbird, and very large birds like eagles. Birds have different kinds of feathers with varieties of colors. Some birds eat seed, or insects, and others eat fish, rotting meat or just about anything they can find. Most birds that I know of sing, but they don’t sing the same song.

Every species has their own unique sound. Each songbird sings the same song that its kind has sung for ages. The sparrow sings its song, finches have theirs, the robin is known for his song, and the mockingbird fills the air with a song unlike all other birds. And so it is with each different bird. The songbirds like a choir harmonize to give a beautiful performance.

Other birds try to sing like the song birds, but their voices aren’t quite so pretty. The crow has an annoying sound, and the roosters voice becomes somewhat monotonous at the early morning hour. The duck can try as hard as he might, but comes up short as he tries to make a pleasant sound. These birds can’t help the way they sound. The only song they know or can sing is the one handed down to them by their ancestors.

Humans are a bit like birds when it comes to singing. Some have beautiful voices like the mocking bird, and some sound something like the crow or the duck. Then others fall somewhere in between the mocking bird and the crow. I guess in some way the ability to sing well is hereditary, but I’ve known siblings where one can sing and the other can’t. There is a way that, unlike songbirds, every person can  sing the same beautiful song. Psalm 40: 3 says, “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.”

So you sing like a duck or a crow; there is good news for you. You can still make a joyful, beautiful sound. You can sing a song that God will enjoy as much as he does that of the most lovely voice the world has ever heard. That is the voice of the one who praises Him. There is nothing sweeter to God’s ears as the song of praise from the mouth of one who loves Him, a song he put there because of His loving grace.

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