Thursday, February 15, 2018


Several years ago a catchy little song hit the charts, and it pretty much expressed the expectations of our society - “Don't Worry, Be Happy”. You are already singing it In your mind aren't you? That's your song for the day. Nobody wants to be unhappy. In fact some people think they should be happy all the time. Our children think that everything should go their way so they won't be unhappy. They whine saying, “There is nothing to do! I'm bored.” Poor little things. They aren't happy. Adults also lament over not being happy. “Woe is me. I can't afford that car, that house, that nice vacation. I'm stuck with my old stuff. I hate my job. I don't like my present situation. Poor me! I'm so unhappy.” Have you ever been there?

I have a newsflash for you. God doesn't intend for us to be happy all the time. We live in a fallen world. Bad things are going to happen to us. We get sick. We have accidents. Others do things that hurt us. Our plans fail. Our loved ones die. Many events in our live cause us to be unhappy. The sooner we accept the fact that we are going to experience unhappy moments, the better we will be able to deal with life. I think God would change the words to that song. Maybe he would tell us,  “Don't Worry Even When You Are Unhappy.” When you are unhappy praise God. Set your mind on him, and thank him for what you do have. Thank him for the things in your life that do make you happy. Thank him for the joy you have in your heart because you are his child. Thank him that one day you will be in a place where nothing will ever cause you to be unhappy. Have a blessed day even if you are not happy.

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