Thursday, March 8, 2018

Law and Order

Law abiding citizens want law and order. We know what law means. But do we think about the meaning of the word “order”? What does order mean to us? The dictionary defines order as, “the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.” Order is to arrange, to have a system, to organize. The opposite of order is disorganization, discord, fighting, mess. Most of us don’t want to live amongst a people where there is discord and fighting. We want order so that we can feel safe. When we go shopping in a grocery store, for instance, we want the items we are going to purchase to be displayed in an orderly fashion so that we can find them. A woman likes to shop at the same grocery because she has learned exactly where everything is located. Order is important in all aspects of life.

I like organization and order in my house, in my garage, in my attic, in my closet, anywhere I have put my things. I have learned that some people, when it comes to their things, are not so much concerned about organization, or order. They really don’t mind clutter, or jumble, or mess, or “turnips”. “I know it’s here somewhere. Oh, it will “turn up”, sometime.” Do you know people like that? I’ve heard there is at least one of those in every household. I guess that makes life more interesting.

God came to Moses one day and told him to make two trumpets made of hammered silver. They were to be used to call the whole assembly of Israelites together and also to let them know when it was time to leave and go to another place. Only the sons of Aaron were to blow the trumpets. The trumpets were to sound when going into battle. The sound of the trumpets were to remind the people that “the Lord your God rescues you from your enemies”. God instructed Moses how the trumpets were to be blown so the people would understand the various things that God wanted them to do.

The books of Exodus and Numbers show us that God is a God of order. He specifically instructed Moses and Aaron how to construct the Tent of a Meeting, the Tabernacle. Each item that was used was perfectly planned by God. God chose those who would make each part. He gave the exact measurements, the order in which these parts would be installed, and how the Tabernacle would be put up and taken down. Every step was to be followed just as God said so that his holiness would not be defiled. It was dangerous to not follow God’s Instructions. Two of Aaron’s sons failed to offer the sacrifices the correct way. They offered unauthorized fire, and God immediately sent down fire to consume them. Our God is a God of order.

Those who are more comfortable with clutter, and mess may have a problem when they get to heaven. It may take them a few hundred year to get used to the organization and order. At least for a change they won’t be wondering where their car keys are, or some other item they are constantly misplacing. In heaven those things will always “turnip”, I mean  turn up.

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