Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Childlike Spirit

Some of the most touching scenes on TV are those when children are surprised by their dad after he had returned from a long tour of military duty overseas. They were not expecting him, and had no idea that he had come home. When they saw their dad they may have screamed, cried, or laughed, but more than anything they hugged him, and held onto him like they would never let him go. In every instance we see examples of pure love. Their actions were spontaneous, without hesitation, and no embarrassment for the public display of their emotions. In these instances we have no better example of the childlike spirit.

The spirit of a little child is so refreshing. A small child has not been defiled by the harshness of a sinful world. Their innocent minds have not been twisted by hate. Little children are always loving and accepting.  A child gives honest responses, perhaps more honest than their moms and dads would like. Oh if we could somehow see through the eyes of a child, to love and trust the way they do.

Jesus loved little children. It is clear that his desire for those who would follow him was and is to have that childlike spirit. In fact Jesus said,“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 We cannot demonstrate the proper love for Jesus unless we approach him, and accept him with the trusting spirit of a child.

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