Thursday, April 26, 2018

What Flowers Have Taught Me About God

As I was planting some flowers today I thought how what I was doing mirrored, in a very weak way I’m sure, what God does when he creates a human being. God knew exactly what each of us would look like, and what we would become even before we were conceived. He had a definite plan for each of us. Psalm 139:15 says that our frame was not hidden from him when we were made in a secret place. God was the architect and the designer of our lives.

In a similar way when a gardener plans to plant a flower garden he or she considers several factors before he buys a single flower. Factors such as where the garden will be planted, in the sun or a shady area, how big it will be, the type of flowers to go in it, how much space the flowers will need to grow, and how they will be arranged. The gardener will have a mental picture of what the flower garden will look like before planting a single flower. The psalmist said of God concerning his own beginning, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before any of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16

I bought the flowers for this flower bed a few days ago. I knew I wanted pink petunias, and a few flowers that had purple and white as a contrast. So I chose five Angel Mist which will grow tall and spread. Right now what I planted doesn’t look like much, but in a few weeks after they begin to mature I think they will be very pretty. God knows that as we grow and mature we will have the potential to blossom into something that will be lovely, and that will be extremely pleasing to him.

I mentioned that I put two different types of flowers with different colors together thus forming a contrast. The flower bed will be much more appealing by putting the two together. I believe that is what God has done with us. We are all different, yet he placed us in his garden together, not to fight, but to compliment one another. We are to make each other more beautiful, more complete. As we accept our differences we create a community of harmony and are able to accomplish an environment which will make the world a better place. We all have a choice. We can grow and mature in a way that will bless others and please God, or we can refuse to become the positive, maturing persons who will spread and branch out working with others even if they are not like us.

My yard is full of flowers; many roses, red and yellow, azaleas
of different colors, perennials, annuals, flowering trees, climbing vines that flower, all sorts of plants. There is a great variety. My yard would not look nearly as good if everything was the same color. There is an older lady across the street from us who is not able to get out much. She told me that she loves to look out her front door at my yard. She said, “Your yard is so very beautiful. I am not able to put out any flowers, but I can look at yours and enjoy them just as if they were mine.”

Don’t you think God may have had something like that in mind when he put so many different, beautiful people in his garden?

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