Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Social Media

I’m wondering, what was the intended goal of social media at its conception? I know that it is a way to share information. Was its purpose to be a vehicle for anyone to post anything, no matter what, a person wants to share even if the material shared is offensive and obscene? Are we to use it for the purpose of cutting someone down, putting them in their place, or making them angry? I see that happen a lot. I see some posts, and I think, ‘This person is filled with anger’! And I wonder, what good is it doing for him to lash out like this? What he posted can only cause others to get upset, or cause others to have a lesser opinion of him.

I really don’t think social media is the place to fight our battles. I know I have to be careful when I post my devotions. I realized that I have posted things that sounded too “preachy”. I know I have probably offended some at times. When I was preaching from the pulpit I didn’t worry about that because those listening could see my body language, the expression on my face, hear the tone of my voice, and could understand the truth and intent of my message. That doesn’t come across very well on a Facebook post. It would be very easy for me to turn someone off to what I consider to be the truth of God’s word if I am perceived to be too “preachy”.  

As I understand the Word of God, I am held to a higher standard. I have to be careful what I say, and what I write on social media. I think all of those who claim Jesus as savior are called to a higher standard. The Apostle John wrote something that I believe is a wonderful guide to live by, and I think would include the kind of things we post on social media. He wrote, “And this is love; that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” 2 John 1:6

I hope this didn’t sound too “preachy”. If it helps, I have a big smile on my face!

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