Thursday, May 3, 2018

When We Do As We Please

In the book of Judges there is a statement which describes Israel during one of the low periods of their history. It says, “In these days Israel had no King; everyone did as they pleased.” Judges 17:6

Think for a moment what a society would be like if people did what they wanted to do without any regard to the well being of others. They would take what they wanted to take, and say what they wanted to say no matter who it hurt, simply do what they wanted to do. They would show no respect for those who try to lead. They would not respect or honor those who had labored and toiled to make the world a better place. These people would scoff at the spiritual beliefs and traditions and laws that had provided civility and respect for the good of others. Lawlessness would run rampid and any attempt to use the restraints which had kept people safe for years would be removed. Ignorance would prevail, and common sense would be thrown out the window.

In those days Israel had no king, no spiritual leader, no moral compass; society ran amok. The land which recognizes a higher power, a Savior, a King above all kings will prosper. The land that operates under a godly moral code will find it citizens treating others with respect, with care and with love. God help the society, the nation, which rejects the King or Kings and chooses to live as they please.

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