Friday, May 4, 2018

A Holy Perspective

Who would have believed seventy years ago, when I was born, how much the world would change? Televisions were just beginning to become common in the households of America. There were no color TV sets, just black and white, and to change the three stations you received one would have to get out of their chair and turn a knob. Many homes had no indoor bathrooms. There were no garage door openers. Most houses didn’t even have garages. Nothing was automated. If your home had a phone you would have to talk to a person called an operator to get the person you wanted to talk to. Of course, you might have to wait hours before your six party tine was clear in order to make your call. I won’t go into what that means. And I could give many more examples to compare technology, or lack thereof, to the incredible technological advances of to day. It is mind boggling.

We have come a long way. Our society gloats over these amazing phenomenal gadgets that have made life easier. We can’t wait to get our hands on the next whatever it is that comes out in the stores. Those of us who are old enough might wonder how our parents would react if they could somehow suddenly appear in this age. Wouldn’t they be dumbfounded if they could see how we live today?

Last night my wife and I were getting ready to leave the restaurant where we had been eating. I paid our bill by swiping my credit card on a little machine on our table. I said to my wife, “Wouldn’t our dads (who were merchants when they were living) be amazed if they could see how I just paid for our meal? She said, “I think they are saying to each other, “Won’t JohnPaul and Sherri be amazed when they get to heaven and see this place?”

God, may we always have a Holy perspective to keep us focused on our heavenly home. For we are not of this world, we are children of the world to come.

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