Friday, June 22, 2018

Dealing With “Oh No” Moments

Oh noooooo! Have you ever screamed those words? Frequently those “Oh no” days come from out of nowhere. The unexpected hits like a ton of bricks. Things happen at the worst times when we are least prepared. Yet, some are prepared for anything. They are cool, calm, able to meet any problem head on. How can they remain unshaken and strong in the midst of the “Oh no” experiences of life?

Once there were three kings who led their armies against a formabatable foe. They had marched through a hot desert for days and had run out of water. The men and animals were not going to survive unless water could be found very soon. One of the Kings, Jehoshaphat, said, “We must inquire of the prophet of God, and see what God has to say about our delemea.” So the prophet Elisha was called. Elisha came and while listening to a harpist  play, “The hand of the Lord came upon him and he said, “This is what the Lord says: I will fill this valley with pools of water...You will see neither wind nor rain, yet the valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord.”

The next  morning the men looked out across the desert, and they saw that the land was filled with water. It was just as Elisha told them it would be. The three armies went on to defeat their enemy. One man had faith in God, and another man listened to the voice of God for the solution. Elisha, Mr. Cool, Calm and Collected. He didn’t panic. In fact, he basically said, “God’s got this. This will be easy stuff for God Almighty.” The Bible tells us that nothing is too hard for God.

Faith! God’s children must have continuous faith, daily faith, never ending faith in the Lord. God’s children must never waiver, even on those “Oh no” days, especially during the “Oh no” times of life. The trouble we face may not work out the way we would like, but our faith will help us deal with the troubles we face. We will survive, be strong and maintain the joy that God has given us. Always remember what Elisha said, “This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord.” If you remember this, then on the other side of your problems you will look out and see the great miracle that God has done in your life. You will notice that he has filled your dry valley with pools of fresh water.

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