Saturday, October 13, 2018

Something We Can Do

Two days ago here in Wake Forest the high humidity made being outside very uncomfortable. Although the temps were in the seventies it felt more like the eighties which is what we had been experiencing most of the month. Tropical storm Michael was on our doorstep. It had been less than a month when we were visited by tropical storm Florence. Neither storm caused any damage at my house, except for one broken flower pot the blew over and broke. But in other areas of Wake County and surrounding communities there was quite a bit of damage from wind and flooding. But that was nothing compared to what was experienced in Panama City this week, and what Florence did to the coastal towns of the Carolinas which are just a short drive from us.

Thousands of people are hurting today because of these two violent storms. Many of them will be displaced for months, possibly years. Much of what they lost will never be recovered. I can’t even begin to imagine what those so tragically affected by these storms are experiencing. Praying for them is certainly something we can do for them. But can we do anything else? Churches of all denominations have banded together from our area and have collected  much needed items for those in a town east of Wake County. Today volunteers are going to Elizabethtown North Carolina to help clean, and rebuild what they can. I feel a kinship with that town because I lived in Elizabethtown Kentucky for many years.

Wherever you live you can help those suffering due to the damage done by Florence and Michael. Do and give what you can. And yes, pray every day for the ones who have lost so much. Also pray for the wonderful people who are on the ground in these areas affected by the hurricanes working to provide comfort and encouragement however they can.

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