Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Letter To The World

This is to the Christians in the 68 countries around the world who follow my blog, Early He Speaks. I am writing to you because I want to ask you to pray for America. Some of you may be unaware of the spiritual decline going on in our nation. Between 100 and 200 churches are closing every week. One would think that the reason for this statistic is due to external factors, but the sad truth is it is the noncommittal church members that are responsible. People who once attended church and served tirelessly have forsaken their first love and have given their love to the things of the world.

There are other reasons. Parent have stopped going to church so their children don’t go either. These children have never heard the biblical stores of the heroes of the Old Testament, and they have never heard about Jesus. A generation of Americans are illiterate when it come to knowledge of the Bible. The majority of adults in America have become world smart. Those who once were committed to the church and to God have studied the so called facts of the sciences which discredit God who Christians believe created the world and everything in it. These are men and women who have found false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear. They deny that there is a God who is in control of the universe. They think they are smarter than the God in whom many of us believe.

True Christians are outnumbered by people who claim to be atheist, those who have defied God’s sacred plan for the family and those who have perverted the beautiful act of the sexual relationship that God created for a man and a woman who are married. Too many have forsaken the church, and if they ever hear the gospel preached it is on television. Few if any are involved in serving others which is the way we serve Jesus. They never meet with other Christians to worship thus ignoring what the word of a God teaches. America has become a wicked nation because too many Christians are afraid to stand up to those who have made God into whatever they want him to be so that they can continue in their ungodly behavior without feeling guilty. They make excuses, but that is all they are, excuses with no foundation.

Please pray for America because we are in a mess. When the governor of one of our states signed into law a bill that allows an unborn baby to be aborted even minutes before its birth speaks loudly to the evil intent of millions of people in our nation. Thank you because I know you will lift us up to the God you love, the one you serve. I send my love to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I am praying for you because I know that many of you suffer tribulation and some worship God at risk of being persecuted. May God bless you. Heaven will be our meeting place some day when God calls us home. What a glorious meeting that will be.

1 comment:

  1. After we pray there is more we can do, but until we pray , there is nothing more we can do.


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