Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Land Of Forgetfulness

Can anyone in the Land of Forgetfulness talk about your help? Psalm 88:12b
There it is! I knew there had to be a name for the place where many of us have taken up residence. The Land of Forgetfulness, right there in the Bible. I know this has to be a big place because I am always hearing people talk about how forgetful they are. I've lived there a long time. I may run for governor of the Land of Forgetfulness, that is if I don't forget to sign the...well I can't remember what it is you have to sign, but you know what I'm talking about. All of us have stories about forgetting a number of things that range from trivial to very important. Some are really funny, but others are a bit sad.
The question in this verse is a good one. Can anyone living in the Land of Forgetfulness forget about God's help? This has become a tragic story because it seems many today have forgotten the wonderful things God has done for them, and how he has helped them over and over. I think this is the story of our nation. We not only have forgotten about how God has abundantly blessed us every day, we have even forgotten God. America is no longer a thankful nation. Each of us who love God, and love our country must do our part to show the world that we have not forgotten the great things God has done for us even if we do live in the Land of Forgetfulness.

1 comment:

  1. John Paul I was offended when Obama said America is not a Christian Nation- with some recent happenings - I’m more offended that he was right. How did it happen? The snake slithered in every crack in our society - no prayer in school, no Bible in school, socialism/Marxis teaching in our colleges, Abortion withought any restrictions. God Help Us


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