Friday, February 8, 2019

The Smart Phones And Smart The Smart TV

I just watched an old movie and when it was over I realized that today's movies do not have “The End” to let us know when it is over. That explains why I have been finding myself sitting in an empty theater all alone.

Suddenly at some point in our lives we venture out into the word we have known for 60 or more years and we can’t find much of what once was very familiar and comfortable. Today’s technological advancements change just about the time we think we might be catching on. I balk at purchasing anything that is more advanced than what I already have. The new phones are just one example.

We bought a new smart TV when we move to our new house a few months ago. My advice to my friends is don’t let the word smart fool you. That doesn’t mean it will be easy to operate. Yes it will do many things older TVs can’t do, but sometimes when I want to watch a show it’s almost over by the time I figure out where it is. The remote is small and complicated. When I turn on the TV there are all these little boxes showing networks I never knew existed. There are no indicators showing channel 3 or 6 or 9. And with my fat fingers I have a hard time operating the skinny remote. I hit something and the wrong show appears, usually something like a cooking show, and then I have no idea how to get rid of it. I get very frustrated.

How I wish to go back to the old days when there were just a few channels with less news, no political channels, no reality shows, and more shows like Lucy, Mayberry, Little House On the Prairie, and of course the Three Stooges . That causes me to pause realizing that I am a stooge when I try to operate these new devices which are smart and make life easier for us. Who remembers the days when all you had to do was pick up the receiver and tell the operator who to call? Even a stooge could do that.

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