Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Let’s Go Fishing

Simon Peter came up empty from fishing all night long, no fish for he, and his tired fishing friends. Early that morning Jesus happens by, a large crowd soon gather to hear this man teach and maybe see him do a miracle or two.  Simon and his crew were mending their nets, wanting nothing more than to go home for some much needed sleep. But Jesus needs a pulpit away from this pressing flock. Simon is singled out, not James nor John, “I need your boat, I hope you don’t mind.” Simon agrees, “My boat is all yours. Hop in, I’ll take you out, just tell me where you want me to stop.” From Simon’s boat Jesus spoke to all that were there that day. He told of God’s great love for them no matter who they were. He was trying to show  them that he cared .

After his sermon Jesus said to Simon still at the helm, “Let’s go out further to deeper waters my friend, so you can let down your net. I’ve a lesson for you, one you must learn. “No way, Master”, Simon exclaimed. “We fished all night, and the fish are simply not here. Take it from me. I’ve done this in these waters all my life. Yet, because you say to cast our nets we will obey.” Out into the sea the nets flew and down in the water they sunk. This time, however, to everyone’s amazement more fish were found than the seasoned fishermen had ever seen. The nets were breaking as they pulled in the haul, and other boats were needed for the catch filled them all. The boats were almost sinking at  the weight of those fish. And when Simon realized what had happened that day he dropped to his knees and to Jesus he did say, “Depart from me my Lord for I am a sinful man.” This revelation pierced his heart.

From that same boat, perhaps, Simon learned other lessons from his Lord. We know he learned briefly how to walk on water. He learned to not be frightened when storms rage with fierce winds and angry waves. Simon learned how to trust the One who told him that one day he would become a fisher of men. And a bit over three years later what Jesus said came true.  At Pentecost Simon Peter stood, filled with the Holy Spirit, and preached his first sermon. On that day Peter’s boat was filled once again, but this time not with fish, but with men and women giving their lives to Jesus, over three thousand strong. And thus the church was born.

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