Friday, April 26, 2019

What Do We Deserve

When I was born there was a curse on me, and so it has been with every single person born on this earth. The human race came into this world estranged from God because of the sin nature inherited from Adam. That means that holy God cannot associate with any person who is stained by that sin. Because of this the only thing that we deserve is death and a place in hell forever.

That’s not good news is it? But there is good news! This holy God who is to be feared is a God who has an incredible love for all humans. He does not want anyone to die and go to hell. So he came to earth as a human, the Son of the Father, in all of his deity, as a living sacrifice, to take our sins and the punishment we deserve so that we would become the righteousness of God and be called his children. Now, did we deserve to have Jesus take our punishment? No we did not! Did we deserve to be saved from our sins? No! We were saved only because of God’s Love, his mercy and his grace.

Today in our culture most people do not know anything about God. Most, if they believe in God at all, don’t take him seriously. Children and teens think he is like a mom and a dad whom they disrespect and expect to be given everything they want. They think they deserve whatever they want.

There are women who have had babies with two or three different men, and they don’t  know how to raise them. They can’t afford to clothe them and feed them. They can’t or don’t  work so they surmise that they deserve to draw money from the broken system that gives, gives, gives, and we the taxpayers are burdened to support these women and their children. The poor children, though must be cared for.

Thousands of able bodied men and women who are lazy and won’t work, pretend  to have health conditions that prevent them from having permanent jobs. They say, “We deserve to receive disability payments, and our utilities paid, and a cell phone, and anything else we can get for free.” And our brain dead politicians agree and write their checks every month. These women and men conclude that God would want them to freeload on society.

A woman wants an abortion. She says, “It’s my body. I can do anything I want with it. I deserve the right to abort my child.” This woman who wants an abortion figures God would agree that she should have an abortion. Those at Planned Parenthood don’t believe in God, but they think they deserve the millions of dollars from the government for the hundreds of murders they perform every year.

And now our borders are being overrun by thousands of people who have traveled many miles to come to America because they think they deserve to be taken in and that our country should take care of them. More than likely most of them think God would agree that they deserve this privilege.

Well now, what do I deserve? I don’t deserve anything from anybody or from God. Oh, I’m doing well. I thank God every day for saving me. I want to serve him because I love him. He has blessed me, not because I deserve to be blessed, but because of his grace. In fact he blesses everyone everyday. I don’t deserve anything I have. My wife and I actually had jobs and worked hard for what we have. God has blessed us with more than we deserve. Yes, we have had times when we struggled. During our seminary years there were times  when we didn’t know how we were going to pay the bills and even buy shoes for our daughters. There were times when we didn’t know how we were going to buy groceries. But we made it without asking the government or anybody to give us a dime. We did not deserve that help anyway.

What does God deserve? He deserves our love, our faithfulness, our praise, and our worship. He deserves our obedience. He deserves our truthfulness and our honesty. He deserves our service, our service to help those who are truly in need. God deserves our dedication to tell sinners like us how they can be forgiven. That is the most important thing we can give our sovereign God; to show the lost how they can know Jesus as Savior. God deserves our all.

God is all wise and all knowing. He is not like Santa Clause, or a mom or dad who give their children anything they want. He is not like the foolish politicians who are millionaires and billionaires and think they deserve to unwisely play with the lives of millions of people whom they are supposed to serve; those who think they can play God determining who will live and who will die. God is not like those who do not consider the ways of our Perfect, Sovereign, Almighty God,  and it doesn’t matter from which party they come. God is not like any of these, and he is not like any of us. No one is equal to God. When our nation understands, really understands, from the heart who God is in power, in majesty, and in perfection, she will realize that she doesn’t deserve anything from him, but will gratefully receive whatever he chooses to give. When our nation stops depending on God, and stops seeking him even in matters of how to govern we will be doomed. May God bless our nation by guiding us back to him.

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