Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Don’t Care What Anybody Says, The World Ain’t Fallin’ Apart

Doom and gloom! There’s a lot of that going on today. I guess it is easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom, the world is going to end theories that some are predicting. Someone sent me a video of a man who was sure the world is going to end soon because the planets have already begun to line up in a certain way. I found a list of world ending predictions dating back from 500 BC to the present. There were 47 predictions listed. John Wesley, John Smith, H.W, Armstrong, Edgar Cayley, and even Jerry Falwell who in 1999 predicted that the rapture would take place in the next 10 years are just a few of the ones who seemed to know when the world would begin to fall apart. I remember back, probably 40 years ago, a religious cult was so convinced of the day when the end was coming that they sold all of their possessions, quit their jobs and camped out on a mountain to wait for the rapture. When this event didn’t happen they continued to wait but before long they left homeless, broke, with no jobs and with no hope.

Who can know the time when Jesus will return? Guess who reported that even he did not know the time that the rapture would happen? Jesus! He told the disciples that he had no idea when he would be coming back to fulfill the promised rapture of his followers. No man, regardless of his biblical knowledge, his scientific expertise or his so called mystic capabilities  can possibly know the time when Jesus will return. Those who make such predictions are foolish and those who believe this nonsense are also very foolish. We must not get caught up in these doom and gloom predictions. Christians are not supposed to be fearful and down cast worrying when some quack tells us that he knows the time of the end. The scripture is clear that we are to wait and be ready for the day when Jesus returns. 

The last year has been tough. The election, COVID, thousands of deaths, business closings and job loses, and the hate filled divisiveness which has plagued our nation sparking the fires of the gloom and doom movement. Guess what? God is still in control. No mater how bad things get, Christians are to share the joy of their faith, and be light to those who do not know Jesus. Speaking of Jesus there is passage that assures us of his control over our world. “He is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation...For by him all things were created,..And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:15-17 

When the world seems to be falling apart remember this, Jesus holds all things together. He is the holy glue holding tightly onto everything so that this world remains in place. There can be nothing we can do or say that will speed up God’s timing for Jesus second coming. Just hold on to Jesus because he is holding on to you.

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