Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Something That Will Never Be Destroyed

Sports fans have noticed that the best teams are like a well oiled machine. The players work together, unselfishly, without worrying about who makes the most points or receives the most accolades. They give all they’ve got from the beginning of the game until the horn blows to end the game. Real fans enjoy watching a team that plays together and works hard whether the win or lose. There is a big difference in true fans and fair weather fans. 

On the negative side, a team loaded with players who loaf, play for themselves, and complain are not fun to watch, at least for me. I’ve stopped watching games of any sport. I don’t like college teams that recruit these super stars out of high school. I think that this has ruined college basketball. I think players who stay four years and learn to play together not thinking about going to the NBA before they get their degrees are the best teams. But fair weather fans, coaches who want to make millions of dollars and school administrators who want to fill their gyms to have large gate numbers will never allow basketball to be played the way it should be. 

Politics, political correctness, lack of respect for country, authority and team mates have turned this old man off to sports. These things lead to divisions and animosity.  One day Jesus was accused by the Pharisees of being possessed by Satan after he had healed a man who had a shriveled hand.  He had healed the man on the sabbath in the synagogue. Jesus told a parable in his defense. He told them that a kingdom divided against itself or a house divided against itself cannot stand. A team divided cannot stand. A church divided will not stand. A nation divided will fall. A marriage divided will crumble. All around us today we witness the destruction of institutions, from marriages, to churches to powerful corporations. Satan has turned people against each other. When this happens people are deeply hurt. Divisions cut like a sharp knife tearing hearts apart. Selfish unforgiving people ignore God’s teachings and fall for the lies of Satan. Even Christians allow Satan to destroy the reputations which God has built in their lives,  

There is one thing that will never be divided and will never be destroyed. That is the Kingdom of God. His kingdom is powerful and eternal. Christian,  you are part of God’s Kingdom right now. We need to obey our King. We need to trust him and never allow Satan to destroy the sacred things in our lives. You have been given power to overcome the temptations of the evil one. Don’t allow him to divide and destroy the precious gifts that  the Heavenly Father has given you.

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