Friday, August 13, 2021


Bread may be the number one food item of all time. Have you ever noticed how many different kinds of bread there are on the bread shelves in grocery stores? We can't have a sandwich without bread. We expect complimentary bread when we eat at a nice restaurant. Think of the number of eating establishments that would go out of business if there was no bread. 

We don't like to think about it but bread makes us fat. Too much bread is not good for us. Bread tastes so good that we forget that it is causing bulges to form around our midsection and yes, even our our rear ends. We look in the mirror and see that our girth has suddenly enlarged immensely, and we say, "Whoa, how did that happen?" I'll tell you how that happened -- too much bread! 

There probably should be a warning label placed on all bread items, Warning: Bread Will Make You Fat! When I am hankering for my favorite meals I don’t want to be reminded that bread is fattening. I don't know what I would do without Sherri's wonderful cornbread. And I love her homemade biscuits. Beans would not be the same without cornbread. Country fried steak and gravy just wouldn't taste as good without biscuits. I would be greatly offended if Sherri started putting that warning label on her delicious iron skillet baked cornbread and her hot, fluffy biscuits. 

People loved their bread in biblical times as much, if not more than, we do. The rich people ate bread made from wheat, and poor people made their bread from barley. Bread was a staple for people in Jesus' day. Jesus talked about bread when he taught. Actually, he talked about two kinds of bread. When Jesus fed the five thousand he satisfied their physical hunger. The next day he told them how he could satisfy their spiritual hunger. He said, "I am the Bread of Life. If you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have eternal life." This is the only way that man can have eternal life. 

If you think about what Jesus was saying, he was warning these people and us concerning our eternal well being. This was pretty much Jesus' warning label: Failure to Eat the Bread of Life Will Lead to Destruction. Unfortunately, many were offended by what Jesus said, and they rejected him.  Just like the day when Jesus was teaching the difference between the two types of bread, people today are offended when they are confronted by the warning that only the Bread of Life will give eternal life. I love my wife's cornbread and biscuits, but I love the Bread of Life more. I am not offended at all.

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